Current events

Snack Cart

Snack Cart is one of our primary means for in person . We sell cold drinks and packaged snacks as a way to fundraise. All proceeds are used to donate books and shoes worldwide! If you would like to volunteer visit our membership page!

                 Past Events

Back-to-School Event!

Footprints and Pages recently held a back-to-school event where 20 children were given the opportunity to participate in arts and crafts! As a reminder, F&P cannot do it without you. Consider donating or volunteering with us to assist in advancing our cause!

Bali Donation!

With the help of the bamboo school and the Kuta Street Kids Project we were able to donate over 30 books and 20 pairs of shoes to kids in Bali, Indonesia! F&P continues to strive to make an impact, but we cannot do it without help. Consider donating or volunteering with us! 

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June Book Drive!

Footprints and Pages has held another successful book drive! Over the course of two weeks we were able to collect 55 books with the help of a local high school!  All of these books will be donated and we thank everyone for their support!

Please consider Supporting our cause by visiting our Facebook or GoFundMe page to donate!


March Book Drive!

Footprints and Pages held a book drive for the month of March. We were able to collect over 167 books that are going to students worldwide.  Books are critical to education and psychological well-being and can greatly impact the lives of many. Thank you to all that donated!

Please consider supporting our cause by visiting our Facebook page or GoFundMe page to donate!

1st Inaugural Charity Event

This was our inaugural charity event for Footprints & Pages! With the assistance of our dedicated volunteers in India, we were able to provide approximately 50 pairs of sneakers to talented athletes residing in the slums of Hyderabad, India. These gifted individuals lacked access to high-quality athletic shoes. We're committed to carrying on with these charitable initiatives and extending our assistance to individuals globally.

Please consider supporting our cause by visiting our Facebook Page or GoFundMe to donate!

Book donations!

Footprints & Pages was able to donate about 4 dictionaries to students! These curious individuals lacked access to a simple dictionary. We're committed to carrying on with these charitable initiatives and extending our assistance to individuals globally!

Please consider Supporting our cause by visiting our Facebook or GoFundMe page to donate!
