
Footprints & Pages is a non-profit, which means we need the help of donors to continue to make an impact in this world.  We are registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization according to the Internal Revenue Service. This means that your donations are tax deductible under IRC Section 170. We are also classified as a public charity.

Why should you help?

Though it's the 21st century and much progress has been made around the world, some places still face the same struggles every day. These problems are often ignored since they hurt the image of a country’s progress. However, Footprints & Pages wants to illuminate these problems and provide solutions. So from Soles to Stories, let's make a difference in this world together. One pair of shoes and one book at a time.

How can you help?

We always have an ongoing fundraiser on GoFundMe. However, we have plenty of other ways you can help. One way is promoting our organization on your social media platforms or simply spreading the word about our organization and cause! If you have any questions about how you can help, please don't hesitate to contact us!